Beyond the Screen.

Unplug and Discover Your Next Great Adventure

Breathing Exercises

Practice deep breathing exercises outdoors, inhaling fresh air and exhaling tension and stress.

Meditation Retreat

Attend a weekend meditation retreat in a natural setting to deepen your practice and cultivate mindfulness.

Biking Excursion

Go for a long bike ride, exploring new routes and enjoying the fresh air.

Dance Workshop

Join a dance class or groove to your favorite tunes at home for a fun way to stay active.


Find a cozy spot in a park, garden, or on your porch to immerse yourself in a good book while enjoying the fresh air and natural surroundings.


Start a garden in your backyard or community plot, cultivating plants and enjoying the therapeutic benefits of gardening.

Photography Walk

Take a leisurely stroll through your neighborhood or a scenic area, capturing interesting images along the way.

Sunrise/Sunset Watching

Find a scenic spot to watch the sunrise or sunset, taking time to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.

Forest Bathing

Take a leisurely walk in the forest, immersing yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of nature for relaxation and rejuvenation.


Head to a dark sky area away from city lights to observe the stars, planets, and celestial events.


Set up an easel outdoors and let nature inspire your artistic creations.